Tsum-Mothers are birdlike in behavior, rodent like in appearance, and like the rest of the lowercased “masked” of the Masked Lands, they too have a four-holed bonewhite mask on their face. Tsum-Mothers are small creatures who stand on two or four legs. They have short brownish yellow fur and a pocket in their belly. They can fly, or rather, be carried by the wind like the Masked themselves; and as they do they carry with their two front limbs a large egg. They carry this egg with them until their death. The Tsum-Mothers are all female, and they all lay their egg - one egg – at the age of three. When they hatch, their mother would have passed away one year prior, and hid the egg somewhere safe. The life of a Tsum-Mother is spent looking for the perfect hiding spot for her egg. They live for five years on average. The egg is bonewhite. It feeds on plants, Oums and Saccos.